I'm wondering if anyone else has had issues with there speedo being off. When I go past local radar my speedo says 37 and the radar shows 33, I have done this on several different radars and they all show the same margin of error.
Just makes me look all the more honest when I tell the cop my speed I guess since they won't think I'm lowballing them :-D
My unscientific observations indicate a 5% to 7% off-set based on random GPS comparisons and using stationary Radar speed signs. This is typical of all bikes I've ridden and tested.
Does the owners manual state the exact percentage of speedo off-set built into the ECU?
As stated correctly, ALL manufacturers off-set speedo readings optimistically, usually between 5% up to 10%. But ODO readings will be accurate (providing tires are stock size)
So far, I've hit 130 mph indicated on my HyperStrada. So I guess about 124 mph actual? Not bad!Wind blast about ripped me off the bike. (this done prone, head down under screen) I think in calm weather could have gone a bit more. Did not note RPM.
Anyone done top speed testing? Results?
Of all my bikes the Hyper is the least optimistic. It is usually very close to the speed signs on the highway.
Still bummed I can't fit a 14T front sprocket. It shouldn't affect anything, but somehow it does.
It sounds very much like the speedo gets its signal from the countershaft. So changing the final drive ratio in any way will cause a similar error. If it were tied to the ABS the final ratio would not matter.
So going down two teeth on the rear would provide a bit less than a -5% correction. For me, this plus more relaxed revs on the highway would offset any loss of roll-on performance. I can always downshift...
I can pretty confidently say that all bikes with Bosch ABS get their speed from the ABS sensors. We could have new ABS rings with 8% fewer pulses made over 1 revolution, and it would correct the speedo, and ABS would still work perfectly.