signal light malfunction

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Aug 19, 2024
british columbia canada
My 2020 950 has developed a strange problem. I'm running stock front signals and Rizoma mini LEDs on the back. When I turn on a signal light all seems fine but after 4 flashes the rear goes off and the front starts hyper flashing Te same happens when the 4 way flashers are activated as well Does anyone have any insights into this?
Thanks in advance!!
Only a guess: are the fronts incandescent or LEDs? If the former, then adding LEDs at the back (how mini?) is not taking enough power to stop the indicator relay thinking a bulb has failed and going into universal bulb failure mode, which is usually very helpful! You either need a gizmo to syphon off some power or to ditch the mini LEDs. There may be other options but you mess with Hyper electronics at your own risk!
Yes - I've seen similar.
The hyper flasher isn't a relay, it is controlled by the ECU.
If it senses a bulb blown (or low current LED in place of bulb) it will flash quickly, as you say, to alert you.

You would need to fit a resistor in parallel with each LED indicator.
15 ohm would take 9.6W which is close to the stock 10W indicator
or 10 ohm is about 14W -either should do.
Go for a wire-wound resistor that will dissipate the power

It seems a shame when LED's are low-power and then you just have to dump a load of power to make them work

(I did read that the older 1100 hypers had a hidden menu function where you could tell it that LED's were fitted!, but not on these later ones)

(edit: Not the ECU but the BBS)
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Thanks for your reply. What puzzles me is that the signals worked fine as they came with the bike when I bought it in august of this year.
If the bike was equipped with resistors and one of them failed I don't understand why they would both flash normally for 4 flashes then shut down. I'll look for any resistors that may have been installed.
Thanks for your reply. What puzzles me is that the signals worked fine as they came with the bike when I bought it in august of this year.
If the bike was equipped with resistors and one of them failed I don't understand why they would both flash normally for 4 flashes then shut down. I'll look for any resistors that may have been installed.

(I fitted LED bulbs, but found as yourself- first few flashes are correct, then they flash rapidly.)

Ignore everything I've said! I may be giving you duff info.
Seems the 950 is a different animal to the 821-

And there's an odd ref here about 4.4V indicators (?!?)
Well! I thank you for the link but I don't know if I'm further ahead or not after reading all that. What is the BBS?
I still think it must be something else in my case as the signals all worked fine for the first 1000 kms.
I have discovered some more info. As far as I can gather from looking at the lights, they are LED in the handguards and taillight. The bike has an evotech tail tidy with the rizoma signal lights. It may be that the wiring to one of the lights has been pinched when the routing wasn't correct. It seems bizarre to me that the signals flash a random number of times before quitting and the 4 ways flash only 2-3 times before quitting.
ECU Engine control unit
BBS Vehicle control unit
(But this is on the 821)

That flashing pattern seemed similar to the symptoms of putting LEDs on the 821 - a few (3 or 4) flashes at regular speed then very fast.

Different bikes it seems, but maybe that signalling is that it is not seeing the correct resistance in the circuit.(?)
Yes, check for pinched wires would be a good start.

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