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Finally had time to clean the injectors, no change with the misfire issue. Not sure where to go or what to do now.
I have found the source of the misfire, in my case at least.. See photo's attached.

Dealer on line parts, list the part 'inlet manifold' for about $94.00 AUD, so not so bad. I assume they will have to come from Italy!

Its disappointing to have these types of issues on a relative new bike (and the list of issues is long with this bike) This could be a safety issue as well, and may cause engine damage possibly.


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That's great that you find out the problem! Do you know why the plastic got so damaged? Bad gasoline? Here in Brazil the ethanol percentage in gasoline is 27,5%! I was wondering if ethanol can cause plastic corrosion in the intake parts...
That's great that you find out the problem! Do you know why the plastic got so damaged? Bad gasoline? Here in Brazil the ethanol percentage in gasoline is 27,5%! I was wondering if ethanol can cause plastic corrosion in the intake parts...

I have only ever run 95 or 98, no ethanol blend, E85 in Australia. It definitely looks like fuel or something has deteriorated the rubber.
I have ordered the parts, 6-8 weeks from Italy. Interestingly, the dealer has sold two sets of the inlet manifold previously.

I also cut away the excess rubber and put the bike back together, its all good, no misfire at all now. :)
Ethanol is the cause of these intake runners deformation/delaminating. Someone needs to make aluminum ones along with velocity stacks . When I rebuilt mine(x2 over 10,000 miles) I used synthetic brake grease on the mating surfaces and on the throttle bodies where the plastic runner slides over. The first time I took it apart the outside of the throttle bodies were all corroded. I cleaned them up and applied the grease . The 2nd time they were just as clean as when I did it the first time. I use high temp synthetic brake grease because it allows to seal and it doesn't melt n run. It stays where you put it regardless of heat. It works very well for me In situations like this where I need protection and a sealing surface in a high heat area.
Maybe just crap fuel in Australia, I definitely haven't put Ethanol in it on purpose, but you don't really know what your getting when you fill up. Thanks for the info!
That's the same pretty much everywhere. Every gas station(from what I have seen) in the states has their gas cut with ethanol. It's just what they do and we can't get away from it unless we run race fuel or "recreational fuel"(a very low grade gasoline but has zero ethanol). There is not much we can do about it. The guys on the monsters, 1098/848/1198 have a tank swelling issue due to ethanol . Some people make aluminum replacement gas tanks for these bikes but they are crazy expensive. Someone needs to make aluminum replacements for us. Most hypers will experience this to some degree. Oem parts are probably very expressive. If someone were to make aluminium pieces I bet they would sell. Especially if they included velocity stacks
Man, I have mixed feelings about this being my 2nd gear misfire issue. The runner's being damaged would explain misfires at a specific resonance, I guess. That's a lot of plastic ingested by the intake. If my suspected piston damage is from detonating a handful of plastic, I'll be at a loss.

Is this directly under the airbox?
Yes, directly under the air box. You maybe ably to see it by removing the air filter and using a scope if you have access to one.
And you removed all the deformed parts and it ran fine? I'll be pulling the tank soon but won't get replacement intake stacks for a while, if damaged. If I do find them like your in the above pictures, I would want to remove the entire stack.
Yes, runs fine now. Put about 200km on it and no problems. The long broken piece of rubber was in front of the fuel injector which I assume was causing most of the misfire.

let me know what you find!
Is it #1 in the diagram? Your pic looks like it's attached to the intake manifold (#6), but the "Air Funnel" (#1) attaches to the throttle body (#4). Did you remove the throttle body to get to the damaged part?
It's these. The injectors plug into them. #1 is your velocity stacks, they are rubber and up stream of the fuel. #3 is a hard plastic piece that slides over the aluminum throttle bodies. This slip fit is where my corrosion and leaking came from. This is also where I applied the brake grease to prevent the corrosion and promote a seal.


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The inlet manifolds arrived, only took four weeks, so not bad from what the dealer first told me. Quite a difference from old to new, see photos.

The bike is still going fine with the rubber cut away. Will fit them in the next week or so.


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Fitted the new inlet manifolds.

The bike seems smooth, especially low in the rev range where the misfire occurred with the new parts fitted. The inlet manifolds must have been deteriorating for quite some time, I just diddnt realize until the misfire issue.

Removing and refitting the air box is the worst part of the job, the vacuum hoses are a pain to re attach.

Has anyone else found the manifold issue ?


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I received the manifolds. Will replace in about 500 miles when I do a big overhaul. I've had a misfire in 2nd gear for almost 6K miles. If they simply deteriorate with age/ wear, I'm a candidate.

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