restore crummy looking display??

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Jul 2, 2021
Seattle WA
My 2013 display sure seems old and dull, a bit like older cars with headlight covers get.
I bought the bike recently but have to assume when it was new the display was much more readable.
Anyone cleaned it with something to improve the transparency?

something like

or even just WD40?
Maybe a light plastic polish.

I would guess polishing compound would be too aggressive, rubbing compound more so.
Thanks for post eric. I used car wax and it did a pretty good job, good enough that I am calling it done.
I saw something on social media somewhere where they took a can of "Deep Woods Off" bug spray and applied a thick coat to the headlight lens, let is set for a minute and then wiped off the crazing. So I tried it on my truck, and it does work! Then I did the dash on the Duck and again it did what was needed. The can I had was 25% Deet.
I saw something on social media somewhere where they took a can of "Deep Woods Off" bug spray and applied a thick coat to the headlight lens, let is set for a minute and then wiped off the crazing. So I tried it on my truck, and it does work! Then I did the dash on the Duck and again it did what was needed. The can I had was 25% Deet.
WTF?! This sounds like the "bug juice" stories my dad told from his Navy days. Deet is some nasty ****. I was in a military training exercise and the mosquitos swarmed at sunset. Like biblical swarm. The instructors handed out these green issue bottles that just said "INSECT REPELLANT" on them. They looked like what GI's had in their helmet bands in all the Nam movies. I got boyles all over my face and neck from it.
DEET dissolves plastic very easily, as anyone using a camera in tropical conditions will confirm. I wouldn't want to use it to 'restore' anything precious. At least there are some much less aggressive anti-biter formulations on the market now that don't contain DEET. To make headlight lenses and my visor clearer, I just use AutoGlym resin car polish, though there was a scare some years back about it attacking the edges of visors. AutoGlym also works well on cloudy vinyl back windows of car soft-tops too.
My oldest daughters boyfriend tried the mosquito spray on his headlight right in front of me. It wiped the haze and oxidation off but it was far from smooth, clear and clean. It was better than before but definitely not even close to a sanding n polish restore . I have had the mosquito spray at work melt sunglasses and peal paint. They provide some very potent spray at my work. It does an excellent job at keeping them off me but the min I apply it my skin feels funny, tingling and I sweat. Probably not a good thing.
My oldest daughters boyfriend tried the mosquito spray on his headlight right in front of me. It wiped the haze and oxidation off but it was far from smooth, clear and clean. It was better than before but definitely not even close to a sanding n polish restore . I have had the mosquito spray at work melt sunglasses and peal paint. They provide some very potent spray at my work. It does an excellent job at keeping them off me but the min I apply it my skin feels funny, tingling and I sweat. Probably not a good thing.

When I was a kid and we'd visit family in Montana I'd wake up in the morning sticking to my sleeping bag (we slept in a tent which my parents sold as an adventure bu practically there just wasn't that much room in the house) from all the Deep Woods Off we'd use. They lived on right by the river surrounded by woods so the mosquitoes were BAD. Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't.
I have a lot of Filipino friends. We were on a vacation and I noticed my friend wasn't getting bit by the mosquitos. He and his wife said it was some genetical thing where Filipino (maybe Asian in general) have some sort of natural immunity to mosquitos. Not 100%, but common. Can they bottle that?
I did the 3M HD Headlight Restoration Kit on my dash and it worked well.

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