Hello there! I just picked up this Hyperstrada, it is my dream bike so I'm super happy about it!
I'm aware this model tend to have problems with its coils, I'm about to order the Aprilia ones in order to prevent those issues. Until the new coils arrive is there a safer way to use the bike in order to prevent the ECU/DASH failure? Maybe use it in touring mode?
Congratulations on your purchase. It looks well. Good choice!
Yes - the coil issue is a dilemma.
I ran mine 2 years before I changed them, but always in my mind was the thought of a failure.
But it could be (like, I guess, many of the bikes made) they would have never ever failed.
And similar when I replaced them with used Aprilia coils - My bike worked fine already. I couldn't guarantee the 'new' coils worked at all.
Because I was soldering the connection, I had to use wire cutters on the existing coil leads (that worked fine). That wasn't a nice feeling!
But, all is done. They work ok. I am a little more comfortable about the set up now and happy that I did it.
I don't know what to advise about riding it. If you had never read this forum, you wouldn't be worried about it!
It has lasted this long - a little longer life seems a fair guess. But 'random' does happen sometimes.
I'll send you and your coils my good luck - I hope that helps until you replace them.