Hyperstrada Maximum range

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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2013
Canada, Ottawa
I went for few longs trips these last days so I took the careful decision to by a little 5 liters jerry can and put it in one of the pannier. Note: I think two of these jerry can could actually fit in one pannier. Impressive these pannier.

However, I went about my trips and always manage to find a petrol station when the low fuel turn ON. I use to stretch as far as 20km (12 miles) before I really start worrying. Not anymore! I was on my way back last night when the low fuel switched ON but I've decided to keep going until the tank get empty since I still have a my spare jerrry can waiting for some action. So I kept driving for more than an hour expecting the engine to turn off or show sing of fuel starving.

So after 96.2 km (60 miles) the engine simply shut down. Very smoothly so I could take my time to choose the best location to stop on the side of the road. The head lights went off after roughly 10 seconds so I had to be very careful. Has you can guess it was pitch dark night. Only the instruments panel remained On until. I disengage the key to open the tank fuel cap. Did the quick fuel transfer from the jerry can into the bike's tank (with a flash light). I was fearing some problems at the start up but nope it restarted like if nothing happened. Darn I like this bike!

So in summary the fuel capacity of this bike (interstate or country roads includiong 45 minutes city streets) allows us a range of a bit more than 300 km (187 miles). In this case I've exactly reached 307 km (190 miles). Riding mode set on Touring (Yeah I'm mainly a tourer) with a bit of spirited sequence (this bike is turning me into a hooligan, poor me :D). And I generally drive a bit over than the speed limits. Not by much though, just like everybody else on the road.
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Just finished a 7000 mile trip, on one tank filled up in Niagra Falls the bike went 193.3 miles without running out...I made it to a station. 3.4 gallons at fillip. My buddy on his triumph tiger got exceptional mileage on the same fuel.

I made several 175 plus runs and. Couple of 180 runs. I did carry a Rotopax
1 gallon fuel can, but never used it...see my trip pictures....starting 8000 mile trip.
I still don't know how you guys are getting this mileage, or if I'm that nutty of a driver. When I get really brave and run my bike to 150 miles (about 30 miles into Fuel Trip counter), usually pump around 3.3 gallons.

I know I've got more in there but don't want to run it dry on my way to work. Still, I'm calculating around 40-43 mpg and what you guys are showing is much higher than that. Also, when I fill my tank, I sway and bob the bike to burp all the air out as I fuel and fill to bottom of filler neck.
Also, when I fill my tank, I sway and bob the bike to burp all the air out as I fuel and fill to bottom of filler neck.

Same here. Nut much though. But I did sometime level straight the bike while filling it up at a petrol station once. The ground was so err inclined (not sure if it's the proper way to describe it, sorry).

Do note that city driving is an absolute killer for fuel consumption. Even setled on Urban mode I beleive it's not better. I did a couple of tests like one week going at work set on Urban VS Touring and the last one always win by a fare marging. So now I mainly keep the bike mode setled on Touring.
I consistently got mileage in the 50,s. I always put my bike on the center stand to fillup and fill to the bottom of the fill opening. I always use premium 91 or 93. All of the miles for my trip were in touring mode and I was not trying to get the best miles per gallon, just normal highway riding with some city also. Oh I still have my charcoal vapor thing too.
I'm sure it would yield results but I don't need the mileage bad enough to cut my Strada's nuts off. Sometimes I see what users post for mileage and I just don't think I'd ever squeeze that out, Urban mode or not.
I'm sure it would yield results but I don't need the mileage bad enough to cut my Strada's nuts off. Sometimes I see what users post for mileage and I just don't think I'd ever squeeze that out, Urban mode or not.

I myself have never took it easy apart from 1st 600 miles, I ride hard and I think most do, and average 50+mpg it may be a problem on your bike. Here's an extract from BIKE magazine on their long term test hyperstrada.

"it's efficient, readily giving 50 mpg in normal riding and can be pushed to 60mpg without much thought"

I'm not saying there is a problem, just might be worth getting it checked out when next in the dealer?? Just seems strange you can't get nearer the higher mpg range.
Just so happens it will be at dealer for some time until they fix front end.

Just to be sure, we're all talking punching the numbers ourselves, right? My "CONSUMPTION AVG" meter regularly indicates 51-53 mpg when I calculate 42-43.
Just to be sure, we're all talking punching the numbers ourselves, right? My "CONSUMPTION AVG" meter regularly indicates 51-53 mpg when I calculate 42-43.

Is it the old UK and USA gallon thing?

One imperial gallon is equivalent to approximately 1.2 U.S. liquid gallons.

So "your" 40 mp(us)g is "our" (40*1.2=) 48mp(uk)g.

Well I usually track almost all consumption activities on a excell sheet. It amuse me.

So for a complete tank.

Urban mode: 4.9 liters/100 km = 48.0 miles/gallon(US)
Touring mode: 4.2 liters/100 km = 56.0 miles/gallon(US)

I've made the test twice and these are the best results I've got. Myabe I get these numbers because of my driving style. I may be very gentle compare to your way. Who know's? Nobody is seeing eachothers way to drive to be able to compare. However I doubt it would have a huge effec on the consumption since this bike hasa ton of torque but my weight is around 172 pound (78 kilogram).
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Is it the old UK and USA gallon thing?

One imperial gallon is equivalent to approximately 1.2 U.S. liquid gallons.

So "your" 40 mp(us)g is "our" (40*1.2=) 48mp(uk)g.

Same on litres, pure fantasy. 20% out.
I run out a couple gears almost every chance I get. Faster traffic on the highway where I live runs 80-90 mph. I think the 40-50 miles I do at these speeds is biggest drain as the wind resistance is stiff up there; always have bags on, too.
I seem to get about 250km to reserve on a run (open road) which would give ~320km to empty. Typically 100 - 120km/hr on the open road, with a fair bit of stick in the windy bits.

In the city it is less, maybe 210 to reserve.
Just to be sure, we're all talking punching the numbers ourselves, right? My "CONSUMPTION AVG" meter regularly indicates 51-53 mpg when I calculate 42-43.

My gap between displayed and actual is not as big as that, more like a 5-7 mpg difference, but reality is always lower than what the computer displays.

My highest measured MPG was I think 55 or 56. Lowest was 29 MPG, from a full tank's worth of city street stop and go commuting.
200km to reserve light

I consistently get 200+/-10km before the reserve light comes on. I ran it to 310km once and think i put in about 15L so in theory could've made it to 320. Pretty sure I was in ST mode and was all 2 lane highway riding with lots of twisties involved. i have been very impressed with the fuel efficiency of the 821 motor.
When I first had the bike, I expected the light around 120 miles after a full tank. Recently, It tends towards 100 miles. I usually live down in Urban, with short hops into sport when I need the throttle response.

I find it odd that urban mode is the weakest, and that's when I need the ability to scoot away from deranged cage drivers at a moment's notice.

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