Oh, BLM land. Yes, know it well. The govt, which I work for, owns thousands of acres of it in Nevada and California, that they let me get my helicopter dirty in.
I see you live in Boston, so I won't bitch-slap you with knowing the entire country. I can tell you for a fact that the fences mid-west around govt facilities and once-BLM land grow larger and larger each year. We get more toys that go higher and faster and need more area to keep civilians safe or in the dark.
Do you not remember the
Bundy Standoff? You dropped a link from the Guardian? A UK news outlet? Are you going to submit some facts from RT next?
On a more personal level, I grew up in rural North Florida. You used to be able to run a 2-stroke machine anywhere there wasn't asphalt. Through the late 90's and early 2000's, more and more signs popped up around local state land sites banning engines. Conversely, I saw an exponential increase in pedal-bike lanes. I actually got a warning from a State Trooper for riding my 4-wheeler in the woods adjacent to my parents property around 2005.