What's the dumbest thing anyone has said about your bike/gear?

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Forum Staff
Nov 19, 2012
I recall getting gas on one of my motorcycle trips, and as I'm fueling up in my full leathers, I heard the cager next to me comment about how ridiculous my gear looks and I must be stupid for wearing it in 100+ degree weather. I wanted to respond "well please stop trying to kill me on the streets and all this gear would not be necessary" argh!

What is the dumbest thing anyone has said about your gear or bike? Tell us the story, give details!
Had a guy approach my buddy and me outside a restaurant about two months ago. I was on my newly acquired (for $2k) '96 M900 which was heavily corroded all over and backfired multiple times as I sat there at idle; my buddy on his brand new Daytona 675R, the triple sounding super crisp in the cold night air. The guy asks us how much our bikes cost. My friend says "about $13k," and I'm all "$20k." His response: "Man, Ducatis are so awesome." Then he took a picture of me on the Monster with his smart phone and thanked us and walked away.
When living in Albuquerque I stopped into the local super market in full dress to pick up a few items, when checking out the cashier said to me “you look hot in all that gear” to which I said “well thank you!”
Most comments I get here in the south are.... How can you stand to wear all that gear you don,t get hot? Then I say to them are you hot, of course they are in shorts and a T shirt, then I grin and say that's why we ride so fast to keep cool ;)
Yeah, same for me regarding my gear: leather pants, textile jacket, boots, gloves, etc.. Some guy looked at me and asked how I could stand it [the heat]. My reply was, "I'll take heat rash over road rash any day of the week. I'll bet riding in Bermuda shorts feels awesome until you low side".
Yeah, same for me regarding my gear: leather pants, textile jacket, boots, gloves, etc.. Some guy looked at me and asked how I could stand it [the heat]. My reply was, "I'll take heat rash over road rash any day of the week. I'll bet riding in Bermuda shorts feels awesome until you low side".

I was at the stop light riding my 675R when some dude rear-ended the car beside me because he was checking me out. I let him explained himself to the cop LOL!

We don't really get the Hot comments up here in Canada. What we get is the "are you crazy to ride in this cold weather?" They just don't understand that under multiple layers of gear is a heated vest!!! hehehe
I was in line at a sporting goods store, wearing my (brightly colored) full leathers. The guy (w/ wife and kids) in front of me asked why I wore the suit, adding "you think you're some kind of superhero?"

So I told him it was to help cagers like him see me, but afterwards I realized that I DO feel like Superman on a bike - flying through the air with my arms stretched out front. Don't all of us? :D:D:D
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Just this weekend, quickly dropped into the hardware store during a ride. When I came out, guy in an old pickup (very cool GMC Apache I think) was parked next to my bike (white Hyperstrada). My leathers are mainly white with black and red trim, my helmet has the same color scheme almost. As I'm suiting up he points to the helmet and bike etc and says "wow everything matches", my instant response "Yes, I'm actually a Power Ranger", he pissed himself laughing and drove off. :cool:
I walked into my sons schoolyard with full leather-gear (mostly black), and some of the kids stopped me and asked me why the Police is coming to chool today. Sweet.. :)
I'm not sure if it qualifies as the dumbest thing, but definitely the most surprising: I was stuck in wicked traffic this spring and happened to be beside a Harley guy - really nice chap. Of course we started chatting over the din of our bikes - at least until he had to turn his off - and at one point he said, "so, a Ducati eh?" (and yes, he did say "eh"...) "I hear those are pretty dear; what did that cost, around 50 thousand or so?" I nearly fell off!! Of course, I said "yep!" ;-)
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Always get the "How much", and "how fast" questions. But how about the coolest thing anyone ever said about the bike or gear?..... Labor Day weekend I ditched the dangerous group that I rode with to Eureka Springs, Arkansas and did the solo thing the rest of the weekend. It was hot- about 90. I walked into Pizza Hut and sat down at a table for dinner. Helmet and gloves on the table, jacket hanging off another chair... I feel a tap on my shoulder and a guy in a Honda T-shirt and his wife are standing there. He asks if that's my Ducati outside the front door and then told me "it's a beautiful bike that would get him in too much trouble if he owned it". He then congratulated me for "wearing all the equipment all the time" - kind of cool that at least somebody actually gets it!
"Man, that back tire is worn right from edge to edge... guess it's time to start think about swapping it out." Simultaneously one of the dumbest and coolest things anyone has said about my bike. Gotta love cagers!!!

I too, get comments about wearing full leathers, boots, and gloves every time I ride. Most of the guys at work have taken to calling me "Robo-Cop" as I come walking in... Not that I'm complaining :)
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"What is that bike $22,000?"
"Is that a scooter with fairings missing?"
"Shiiittt that's a nice dirt bike, what is it a 450?"
"Where's the speakers?" (I have speakers on my bike)
"Holy **** you take your ducati off road?!" (In front of a bunch of women.. Probably the funniest so far.. There was mud slung all over it)