Car quotes:
"You new to town"
"Yep, just posted."
"And you brought a car with you... You know it's winter 8 months outta the year right?"
"Yeah... It's a 4wd Subaru with over 250 at the wheels... Quite frankly, probably better in the snow than your jacked up, 2wd Dakota.."
"Hmm.. yeah."
"Hey do you need some help, your truck (F250 ext cab, long box) looks like it's pretty suck in that snow bank"..
"Ah no, I called a tow."
"Ok.. But if you wanna save a few bucks.. I'll pull you outta the ditch if you've got a tow rope."
Reluctantly.. "Ok, sure"
Anyways had all 3 tires smoking (open front diff on icy roads)
Got him out, with my station wagon.
This is Canada... anyone stuck in the snow, deserves an attempt.