What's the dumbest thing anyone has said about your bike/gear?

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Somewhere in southern Maryland at a fuel break this past Sunday:
Local: "What is that?"
Me: "A Ducati."
Local: "Who makes that?"!!!

Nice guy, actually. We talked for a while. He just didn't know Italy made motorcycles.
A beautiful woman said that it was a really sexy bike. Oh wait - that wasn't dumb - except I only managed to stutter th-th-thanks. That was dumb.

You should have told her the vibrations through the seat were amazing and offered her a ride.

I had a girl comment on my bike once but, she was at the extreme opposite of sexy. More like a linebacker...
On that same lines was in the local battery store replacing the battery in the wife's Monster. Clerk asks what motorcycle the battery came out of to which I replied A 696 Ducati Monster. 4 or 5 minutes go by while the clerk looks at the computer then asks who makes Ducati? to which I reply Ducati makes Ducati…..
On that same lines was in the local battery store replacing the battery in the wife's Monster. Clerk asks what motorcycle the battery came out of to which I replied A 696 Ducati Monster. 4 or 5 minutes go by while the clerk looks at the computer then asks who makes Ducati? to which I reply Ducati makes Ducati"¦..

Lol...it reminds me of when I had my KTM SMC. "Hey, so is that a Honda KTM?" To be fair, KTM isn't quite a household name among non riders. Ducati, from what I've seen, is a name that everyone is familiar with even if they don't ride or know about bikes, so I've never had any brand confusion with the Hyper. Price confusion for sure, but not brand.
From a squid on an R1
"Don't you think a leather jacket, gloves, bike jeans and boots are overkill on a Strada"?

No, you having a license is overkill.

Old man on an ancient triumph:

Is that the new 1199?

Um no Sir.
I had just finished up lunch and was putting my Aerostitch back on when a couple EMTs walked into the restaurant.

EMT #1: "It's hot out there....how can you stand wearing that suit?!"

Me: *blank stare*

It's kinda like seeing a doctor smoking...just doesn't add up.

The weirdest was a couple months ago.

Random guy in a parking lot: "Man, ALWAYS wear all of your gear!!!"

Me: *looks down at all my gear* Yeah....I always do. *points at gear*

Random guy: "I crashed a couple days ago and slid around 50 yards. My helmet and jacket saved my life but I didn't have boots or leather pants on. I lost my left testicle!!!"

Me: *blank stare* Woah man....that's crazy! (Did a stranger just tell me that?)

Random guy: "Yeah man...always wear your gear!!!" *limps off*
Body Bag

While at a gas station, in full gear, a woman said her fire fighting buddy told her how he loves the full body protection. Told her it's a lot easier picking guys up as the suits serve as body bags... F-off was my reply!
Dumbest thing I've ever heard was at a gas station just outside Cape Cod, MA. On the other side of the gas pump where I was filling my Hyper, there was a kid in an old Honda Accord. He got out of the car and said "That's not a Ducati, they only make race bikes." I looked at him, gave him a look as if he was a moron, shook my head and didn't even respond.
Car quotes:

"You new to town"

"Yep, just posted."

"And you brought a car with you... You know it's winter 8 months outta the year right?"

"Yeah... It's a 4wd Subaru with over 250 at the wheels... Quite frankly, probably better in the snow than your jacked up, 2wd Dakota.."

"Hmm.. yeah."


"Hey do you need some help, your truck (F250 ext cab, long box) looks like it's pretty suck in that snow bank"..

"Ah no, I called a tow."

"Ok.. But if you wanna save a few bucks.. I'll pull you outta the ditch if you've got a tow rope."

Reluctantly.. "Ok, sure"

Anyways had all 3 tires smoking (open front diff on icy roads)

Got him out, with my station wagon.

This is Canada... anyone stuck in the snow, deserves an attempt.
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I was at the stop light riding my 675R when some dude rear-ended the car beside me because he was checking me out. I let him explained himself to the cop LOL!

We don't really get the Hot comments up here in Canada. What we get is the "are you crazy to ride in this cold weather?" They just don't understand that under multiple layers of gear is a heated vest!!! hehehe
Yep, once there is no risk of ice, it's time to ride!
Just got the "you're ccrrrraaaazyyyy" comment the other day :).

And one of the cutest comments I got was from the 4-yr old daughter of a close friend. My wife and I showed up at their house some years ago in full gear. After we walked into the house, my friend's daughter came up to me and said:

"Are you a superhero?"

Me: "No, this is just clothing to protect me if I fall."

"Yes, you are a superhero, and she (pointing at my wife) is a princess!"
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First day I rode my new Hyper to work a few weeks ago I'm pulling off my helmet in the parking lot next to the bike. Fat fellow employee who is THE stereotypical Harley rider saunters up and starts giving the bike the once over. "Ducati, huh?" I really don't want to engage this moron in any kind of conversation because simply talking to him means you're dropping IQ points by the minute so I simply say, "Yep". He snorts a couple of times and then proclaims, "Kinda cool looking, but I wouldn't be caught dead riding a Japanese bike" and waddles off.
..."Kinda cool looking, but I wouldn't be caught dead riding a Jap bike" and waddles off.


I took a shot at my cousin last week when he commented on wanting a Harley. I said, "Hmmmm...well, I suppose you could pull out the engine and put it in your snowblower, so long as you don't care if the blower ever runs right again".

He was not impressed

[p.s. I don't actually dislike Harleys or those who ride them, but I won't pass up a chance to make a wise crack :)]
You have to distinguish the class of Harley driver. I dig choppers and will probably build one some day (with zero HD parts, I'm sure). But lets talk about the typical Florida HD rider- a comment like a Japan sourced Duc is about on par. They see a doo-rag and goatee with a sun damaged bar whore rolling on an electra-glide and think, "that's cool. I want a bike. And helmets are lame."
"I'd love to get a bike, but I know what I'm like - I'd probably have an accident."

What, so by getting on a bike it means your common sense goes on vacation?
A sligthly alcool inhibed chap met at gas station was arguing that my bike was Japanese made. And he kept arguing despite the fact that I've told him it's Italian. 8/
Years back I had one of the first, at the time, Joe Rocket mesh jackets in silver. A guy at a gas station asked me if it was one of those metal shark-safe jackets that divers use. I said, "Absolutely! It's heavy but is protective and puts on a wicked spark show if I ever go down."
Got one this past Sunday from a couple Harley Riders on 883s... Was riding on Cape Cod, downtown Hyannis. I was parked having a coffee and a R1200GS parks next to me. I'm standing off to the side sipping away having a smoke, he's staring at me and my bike as well as the Bimmer.

"At least I'm not a ****** and don't have boxes on my bike"

-Normally, I'd just ignore it, but since this was said while looking at me, I took offence. Like I said normally I keep my mouth shut, but... I said back.

"Love your bikes, was thinking of trading mine in for 4 of them"


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He may be right in claiming he's not gay with touring cases on his bike. What he is, though, is another typical dumba$$ on a POS Harley. The country is crawling with them, unfortunately.

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