"Error" and all dash lights flashing, Fan Turns on, No Start...

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Add me to the list. New coils, dash, and ECU on order for my 2013 with ~1500 miles on the odo.
Quick question: After the ECU is replaced, will my keys need to be reprogrammed? I know there is something to do with the immobilizer near the ignition, but I'm thinking maybe that's just the RFID antenna(?).
Okay so my story again:

after every ecu und the dashboard was changed I had the error AGAIN. So we tried to provocate the error but nothing happened.
When the Ducati mechanic parked the strada with engine on and she hits 100°C the fan goes on and the error appeared.
She is getting too much voltage when she is getting hot and the fan starts. Then the error tries to save the bike.
We changed the light-machine-controller (german. lichtmaschinenregler) and I will test it next year. We got winter-pause in germany now till march.

Happy Christmas everybody! :)
In our first case, the keys were kept and the new units re-programed to take the electronic serial numbers. Its a part of setting up the new ECU and Immobilizer. But something went wrong the first time, only one key worked and that was found to be a faulty immobilizer. The second time the keys and mileage readings were all transferred OK. Keys were important to us because of the three bags.
So far the second re-build has worked, I am using the bike daily all through the worsening weather here without problems.
Sorry you had the "disco lights" issue and thanks for sharing.
Is this more a Hyperstrada thing because of the two 12V sockets and a stronger alternator. Or the Hypermotard with the small alternator have the same problem? I just thinking the whole problem is coming from the stronger alternator on the Hyperstrada!!

Gruss Steffen
Manni, the alternator is different to the Hypermotard! On the Hyperstrada is more power full 100%!!Wünsche Dir noch frohe Weihnachten, vielleicht sieht man sich im neuen Jahr mal!

Gruß Steffen
Du meinst die Lichtmaschine? ich meinte den Lichtmaschinenregler. Das dürfte der gleiche sein, Lichtmaschine weiß ich nicht.

Aber ich weiß was du meinst. Mehr Spannung abgegeben - kommt Limaregler nicht mit klar.

Ich glaube das die Lichtmaschine das ganze Chaos auslöst und der Regler kommt nicht mehr klar da mit! I think the alternator is the start of the problem!

Gruß Steffen
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If You buy a 14 you ok, you have all the update!

Gruß Steffen
engine error

I just had the same problem, one month ago just didn´t start, after one month in Ducati dealer, they changed the dash. After that just have my first ride, the dash was flashing, errors showed, i decided no to turn off in my way to home, when i tried to start, it i didn´t start and everything is flashing, even the fan is working.
So. My turn.

Full disco mode. May 1st is a public holiday here in Norway. So I´ll call my dealer tomorrow. I have Hyper, so no, it is not just the´strada.

A few weeks ago while riding the Tail of the Dragon. It happened. Started out as a check engine light, flashing red center light and error. Also went into limp mode. After riding the tail in one direction in limp mode stopped at the end and shut the bike down. When I went to start it up, no start, fan on, all dash flashing. After two weeks of the dealer trouble shooting and waiting on parts the culprit was the ignition coils. The were bad and over voltage the system. Had to replace them and dash and some other computers. Also did the throttle recall although apparently unrelated.
Dealer made it seem like the coils were a bad batch and it is highly unlikely to happen again. Apparently it's also been happening to almost every other Ducati model too.
How do you suggest we go about making enough noise for Ducati to hear us?

Class action lawsuit or individual legal threats to ducati.

A bike that stalls during operation is potentially fatal. A bike that is unusable for long periods of time is useless. A company that sells fatal and useless bikes should give full refunds on their products or fix them, or be punished. The reports on these forums build a case. A case can be used to fix the problem.

I myself am waiting for my new hypermotard in 2 weeks. Hopefully I do not have issues, but if I did, the information we're all supplying and correlating may come in handy.
I don't think I've ever owned a bike that wasn't subject to recalls. If the manufacturer steps up and fixes it, that's good. I got my throttle email a couple days ago, and will take it in to see if it needs replaced. Not a big deal. I feel sorry for people who got lemons, but you take that chance with any make. A dealer who fights you on legitimate claims is what causes companies trouble and gives them a bad rep.
Well you can add me to the list of 2013 disco victims. My warranty expired last May so I was very concerned, but ducati is going to pay for the whole thing, coils ECU and dash all covered!

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