thanks for the info mateI'm certain others know much more about ecu operation, but it usually isn't a black/white deal.
Hmm interesting. So, three pins out and three pins in. Looking at the Service bulletin video it seems that it's connected to CANH, CANL and GND. So, probably this little box should be a CI like this:no...canbus-filter is a piece of electronics with 6 wires. it has an partnumber and is soldered and connected to the loom that goes to the dasboardView attachment 3962
This just happened to my Hyperstrada and it took a month to get it into the dealership. They have had it for over a week now waiting to hear from Ducati North America to see whether they will cover this known problem .
Good to know, thanks!Good to know. Go after the eldor coils and do the swap so it won’t happen again.
Well I called my dealer and informed them of the Eldor coils but they said being they’re an aftermarket coil Ducati will only replace my coils with Ducati coils, I kinda figured that but it was worth a try. Maybe I’ll get lucky and Eldor will now be the supplier of coils to Ducati.Good to know. Go after the eldor coils and do the swap so it won’t happen again.
They may have been updated, too. If you go to an online parts supplier and they're on like version 3, Ducati shadow fixed the problem. I see this with broken **** I replace all the time.Well I called my dealer and informed them of the Eldor coils but they said being they’re an aftermarket coil Ducati will only replace my coils with Ducati coils, I kinda figured that but it was worth a try. Maybe I’ll get lucky and Eldor will now be the supplier of coils to Ducati.