"Error" and all dash lights flashing, Fan Turns on, No Start...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2013
DC Metro Area
I normally just lurk the forum for tips and ideas, but my bike had an issue recently that I thought would be worth mentioning to fellow Hyperstrada riders.

Sunday it warmed up quite a bit so I decided that a short hooligan ride was in order to cure my winter itch. (bike has received all ECU updates about 2 weeks ago) I let the bike warm up, and took off down my longer-ish driveway. Got to the end and ready to pull onto the street, and BOOM; every light on the dash started flashing at me (The DTC light, the ABS light, Blinker lights, the dash went blank, then started flashing "errors" across it, none of me trip/odometer information showed, no engine temp reading, and lastly, the engine cooling fan was running.

So I immediately killed the bike once I took a mental note of all of that, and pushed it back into the garage.

I unhooked the battery and let it sit for awhile hoping that it would "reset" itself, (it works on aircraft so I thought "why not try?") Hooked it back up, no luck. The bike would still start and run flawlessy. So I ran through the dash to check my error codes. Engine and Can Line error codes were showing. I turned the key on and off a few times, while checking some online forums, then the next step"¦.It would no longer start. I still have a full battery charge; it just wouldn't throw power to the starter at all.

So I broke down and called Ducati Roadside Assistance. They had the delivery guy here in 2 days and brought my bike up to the Duc Pond in Virginia. I'm going to call the soon to see what they found. I'll keep you all posted.

I also had an flashing dash board.
See ' Limp mode' on the site.
Man, that sucks! How long have you had your bike for and how many miles are on it? Let us know what you find out!
Have you ruled out Solar Flares or EMP? That's what happens to vehicles in the movies after such events.

Horrible joke aside, I would seriously investigate that recent ECU update. Part of the latest patch dealt with the control panel, but my dealer said it was only regarding screen backlighting.
You **********!!!! You jinxed my Hyper. :p

Got it Monday night, rode it for 25 miles on Tuesday, and Wednesday night I go to start it up for a ride and won't start. Dash flashing "error." Mother$*#&#*@!

I'm not getting all the lights flashing though. Nor any fan sound. The oil light flashes for a few seconds, then all the lights go out and it's just the display with the tachometer flashing along with the ERROR flashing without any backlight.

I press the starter button and nothing happens. Nor does it make that cha-ching sound when you normally turn on the electronics. Just dead silence.

Tried turning it off and on a few times and same result. A couple times the display was completely dead. Other times the display turns out (without the backlight) and says error.

Two things I noted:

When I walked up to the bike, I noticed the immobilizer light was NOT flashing.

After I turned it on and off (not engine, just the electronics since the engine won't start), the immobilizer light came on and started flashing when I turned it to OFF, but it was very dim... would make me suspect a low battery, but I don't see how that's possible since I just rode it yesterday and I haven't installed ANY farkles on it yet that would be suspect for a battery drain.

Also of note, I left the bike on its sidestand overnight. The manual says to always put it on the centerstand for some reason, but guessing that doesn't have anything to do with this?

Wow this sucks! Just 25 miles on her and she already has a major malfunction.

Sorry... this picture sucks but you can see the word "errors" next to the temp display.

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You might have turned the key "off" to mutch and put it on P.
When set on P, the back light is still lit and the number plate light is on.

I did it when mine where new, but i where lucky as i came out to the garage 2 h after i parked the bike and saw the light on my bike where on.
Got me a good scare.

That could have drained the battery if it where low before
Good call, Liam. Done that and also caught it before draining.

The fact that you noticed immobilizer light dimming has to be drained battery.

I thought the manual says the parking light auto turns off after 2 hours to preserve the battery?

Also, I always look back at my vehicles after parking them. The lights were definitely not on. The chances of me leaving the parking light on is almost impossible.
Al the troubles with my bike, flashing dash, traction control blinking, cold start with 1000 to 3000 t/m
was caused by the coils.
With new coils, ecu, computers and dashboard the bike is oke.
Al the troubles with my bike, flashing dash, traction control blinking, cold start with 1000 to 3000 t/m
was caused by the coils.
With new coils, ecu, computers and dashboard the bike is oke.

Interesting! What are coils though?
He meant the ignition coils. They live on top of the spark plugs.

Time to go to the dealer. The good one. Maybe you found out why it was so cheap?

BTW I leave my key in all the time, but it's in a locked garage behind a fence, big dogs, etc. That's why I used to keep it on a battery Tender, until I put the Shorai Li-PO battery in there...

The immobilizer light goes out after a day or so anyway...
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Well has anyone else ever had a low battery? Does the screen flash and say ERRORS? If so, that's probably what this is. If not, it's probably not.

I'm going to go pickup a 12V battery charger from PepBoys today, charge the battery and see it that solves it. If not, I'll have it towed to the good Ducati dealer. Wonder if I could just have it towed to Ducati North America... I only live 5 minutes away from them as opposed to 35 miles to the closest decent Ducati dealer.
Well has anyone else ever had a low battery? Does the screen flash and say ERRORS? If so, that's probably what this is. If not, it's probably not.

I'm going to go pickup a 12V battery charger from PepBoys today, charge the battery and see it that solves it. If not, I'll have it towed to the good Ducati dealer. Wonder if I could just have it towed to Ducati North America... I only live 5 minutes away from them as opposed to 35 miles to the closest decent Ducati dealer.

Call them! At least they can give you some advice. Your failure is fairly common, could be no more than a loose ground wire. Or a bad ignition coil, as our Nederlander friend found out. I put a guard over the one on my front cylinder.

And I would recommend going to a bike shop for a Battery Tender, the bigger 1.5 amp version. These are made for bikes.
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Sorry for the delayed response. I work some weird works shifts that move around a lot.

The bike was purchased back in July, new. Currently it only has about 1400 miles on it. Sorry to hear about yours too, Hopeful. Crap…I'm hoping it only has something to do the recent ECU update, but I doubt it since others have had it done for awhile with no issues.

I spoke with the dealer yesterday and he said they would dig into it today. So hopefully I hear something soon.

Oh yeah, my bike stays plugged into a Battery Tender, so I haven't ran into a dead battery yet to see if it causes issues. I was riding when my bike flipped out.
Well has anyone else ever had a low battery? Does the screen flash and say ERRORS? If so, that's probably what this is. If not, it's probably not.

I'm going to go pickup a 12V battery charger from PepBoys today, charge the battery and see it that solves it. If not, I'll have it towed to the good Ducati dealer. Wonder if I could just have it towed to Ducati North America... I only live 5 minutes away from them as opposed to 35 miles to the closest decent Ducati dealer.

I have had a flat battery, (in fact, if I don't keep it plugged into the tender it goes flat after about 7 days) when I keyed it on I could hear the flap valve actuate, the dash looked ok and then when I hit the button no action other than dash doing weird error stuff. My guess is that this may be your problem. I spoke to the dealer about it and they reckon the battery is on the way out and they have asked me to take it in, but that is a 4 hour trip so I just keep the tender plugged in and all is good.
I have had a flat battery, (in fact, if I don't keep it plugged into the tender it goes flat after about 7 days) when I keyed it on I could hear the flap valve actuate, the dash looked ok and then when I hit the button no action other than dash doing weird error stuff. My guess is that this may be your problem. I spoke to the dealer about it and they reckon the battery is on the way out and they have asked me to take it in, but that is a 4 hour trip so I just keep the tender plugged in and all is good.

Dead battery after 7 days not plugged in? You may have a bad cell in that battery. Prior to moving to my current location and having a garage of my own, my Hyper' sat in a storage shed for the entire month of December in northern Virginia, never being fired up, and it started right up when I grabbed in January. I merely keep it plugged into the Battery Tender because they cycle the battery which will give it a longer life.

If you're bike is still under warranty, I would see if your dealer can replace that free of charge for you.
Never had mine on a tender and it gets left four weeks a time without starting due to my working away, never had a problem. Just hope now the heated grips have been fitted its still ok.
Happy to report mine was an easy fix. It's definitely just the battery. I put a battery tender on it for the last 7 hours and it just fired up perfectly!

Going over to the local moto shop to get the battery replaced with a Shorai 18A today so that it doesn't happen again.

I contacted the guy I bought the bike from and he immediately suspected it was the battery. He said that he didn't ride it very often and had it on a battery tender, but suspected the tender might of not been very high quality. So it's pretty clear that the tender he was using messed up the battery and was perhaps overcharging it or who knows what. So I'm going to get the battery replaced and should be all set. And he was very standup about it and is going to cover the cost of the new battery.