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Will these help? Did you put the Pacers back in the right spot? Some motor sport motors I have built have had bushings on the gear spindle where it inserts into the case. I dont see them in these pics but it doesnt mean they arent there.

This would have helped with my starter install. I'm talking about the spring loaded arm that the clutch cable attaches to at the case. Other side of the motor.
Just purchased a, new to me, 2014 Strada with 1,250 miles. And stumbled across this thread while investigating the clutch issues

What is the general long term consensus after performing this mod? Worth it? Stay away? Convert to hydraulic instead?

Although, I do see that I'm a little late to the party with the orders and the current eBay listed has expired. If this is a worthwhile project, anyone know where I can get the parts? From what I read, and the low miles on my current clutch, I don't need an entire new clutch pack, just the "fix"

Yes, just the "fix". My long term opinion is unchanged, absolutely essential mod for affected bikes. A hydraulic conversion wouldn't help at all, as the problem is with the plates themselves. Where to find parts? There are still a few unused floating around this forum, if I recall correctly.
Thanks for the responses folks!

I parsed this forum, high and low, for any kits lying around and found none and reached out Valter Moto USA in hopes they had any available. While they didn't have any, they did offer some good news in a new shipment of ~50 will be arriving late March or early April of 2019:

Valter Moto USA,
Would you happen to have any more of the 2013-2014 Ducati 821cc 800 Hypermotard clutch anti-judder update kit #133/6 available?

unfortunately we are out of them, Our next shipment wont arrive until late march or early April
thank you

Is there a waiting list I can put my name down or something? Or should I just check back in early April?

no list, just keep an eye on our store, they will be listed as soon as they are here. We should be getting about 50 so there will be plenty
thank you
I did some damage after trying to install the clutch fix kit. No experience with motorcycle clutches and I did not offset the final friction plate, as seen in this video: 821 Hyd Clutch Install

The result was destroying the inner and outer hub...an expensive mistake. I said hell with it and ordered the full hydraulic clutch kit since I have to crack the engine open again. Can someone give me torque value for the following nut:
I did some damage after trying to install the clutch fix kit. No experience with motorcycle clutches and I did not offset the final friction plate, as seen in this video: 821 Hyd Clutch Install

The result was destroying the inner and outer hub...an expensive mistake. I said hell with it and ordered the full hydraulic clutch kit since I have to crack the engine open again. Can someone give me torque value for the following nut:

Could you explain your mistake a little more? All my parts have come in and I am about to take up installing the Ducabike clear clutch and replace the starter motor and I would like to make sure I have everything covered before I start. My first road block was getting the OEM clutch cover off. Its stuck on there pretty good.


When reinstalling the clutch pack, you have to offset the last friction plate into the shallow clutch basket recess, as shown in the video I linked. This is not explained in OP DIY, granted, I should have paid more attention when removing. If you bought the anti-judder kit, the crude illustrations will make more sense when you have the clutch pack in your hand.

You just gotta get the right pry bar bite on one of the 2 removal tabs on the clutch cover. Practice reinstalling before applying RTV as it does require an angle-and-twist motion to get the (OEM) cover back on. I found a wire brush and some brake parts cleaner got the old gasket off quickest.

Don't torque the clutch pack retainer screws to tight as they are very tiny and will snap. It's pro-level work and can mean expensive mistakes, but it was my first moto clutch job and I learned a lot between this and the starter job. The only thing I haven't done at this point is the desmo valve service...which I think will be worth the money to pay a shop to do.
Don't Be Stupid (like me)

After having a hell of a time getting the service pins in to hold the clutch pack together, I went back and studied this thread and the service manuals. I made a grave mistake...

I had one too many drive and driven plates. I guess I missed where you should remove one drive/ driven plate set when adding the clutch fix judder springs. That kit came with the judder springs and a set of drive/ driven plates.

So, I had entirely too much spring pressure and it nuked the basket studs. Re-installed correctly and did offset the last drive plate from the rest of the stack. Still working on the hyd/ clear clutch cover swap so won't have definitive results for a couple days.
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Thank you for explaining. I had planned on installing the ducabike clutch cover and plates to test and see if it fixes the grabby clutch first before I get the anti judder kit. Over the weekend I test fitted the ducabike clutch cover and im disappointed to find out it doesnt fit. Ducabike CCDV01 is supossed to fit hypermotard 821 2013/2014 models. My bike build date is Dec 2014. I also checked with ducati to check my vin number and they confirmed its a 14 model. But maybe my model is technically a 2015? Ducabike has CCDV02 for 2015 models. I guess there was a major change in the clutch case from 14 to 15 models not sure.... HUGE disappointment... Can anyone offer any input?

SOLVED; Turns out the clutch cover I got(CCVD02) was for 2015 HYM. Mine is 2014......so I need (CCVD01)...fail...

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Just looked at your photo's. That looks exactly the same as my setup. I remember a friction point right about there. The cam to the right of the clutch basket presses into the cover. I'd try giving it some taps with a dead blow. If your pressure plate is flush with the clutch basket, no reason why it wouldn't seat.
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Who installed DU 133/6? is it work? can share it, Thank a lot!
(Sorry my English no good >.<)

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