"Error" and all dash lights flashing, Fan Turns on, No Start...

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Thanks Paul; I didn't know any of that. I just ordered a battery and they should be able to have it here by Thursday. Looks like it's the Shorai lithium referenced above. So plan is to try it on Thursday. If it does the same thing- then I'll make the trip to the dealer... Hopefully there's nothing special about installing the battery...

Okay, you made me go down to the garage and take the seat off. It has been a couple of years since I put that battery in there. Yes, it's perfectly straightforward. Even though the Shorai is a bit smaller, the standard strap (and the ECU) hold it in place just fine.

Plus you will lose 5 pounds from high and rearward...that improves turn-in and stability just a bit.
Thanks Paul; I didn't know any of that. I just ordered a battery and they should be able to have it here by Thursday. Looks like it's the Shorai lithium referenced above. So plan is to try it on Thursday. If it does the same thing- then I'll make the trip to the dealer... Hopefully there's nothing special about installing the battery...


No Probs,

Negative terminal off 1st and on last

Well battery will be here on Thursday. So I will have time to try the new battery before committing on Friday. It's sad but I'm kinda hoping the battery doesn't fix it. That way, I can get this covered under warranty. I mean do all of the 2013's eventually suffer this? My warranty ends March 15 of this year.

I really appreciate everyone's help so far.

Well battery will be here on Thursday. So I will have time to try the new battery before committing on Friday. It's sad but I'm kinda hoping the battery doesn't fix it. That way, I can get this covered under warranty. I mean do all of the 2013's eventually suffer this? My warranty ends March 15 of this year.

I really appreciate everyone's help so far.


10500 miles on my 2013 trouble free
I prefer the reliability of lithium batteries. The stronger turn-over when starting cold. So, one of the very first things I did with my Hyperstrada was to change out the battery for the 16 cell Antigravity.


Why the 16 cell 480 CCA battery? Why not fit the most capacity into the same holder volume possible?
So tonight I will know whether changing the battery cures my problem. If not, I'm making the 2.5 trek to the dealer. 2013 hyperstrada w/ like 3,500 miles which I acquired from a third party. It won't really be riding season here until March or April.

Any other things I should consider having them do to her if I go? I think I read on here I should check for some throttle issue? Maybe have them change the belts?


The dealer might try to push back on warrantying any of the items on the bike, because you're the second owner. They tried to do the same for me. My recommendation is to tell them to pound sand, as the bike is still under warranty. If necessary, I got done what I wanted by contacting Ducati North America and complaining to them. That's always an option if you can't get the dealer on your side. Best of luck!

Don't bother with the belts at 3.5k miles. But yes, ask about the recall on the throttle. Most 2013 models were affected.
RSL, good point there about fitting a higher capacity battery when switching anyway. I like it.
It was the battery. Yes, I do feel silly. :)

I guess what was confusing me is that it was connected to the battery tender for a couple weeks before this and had worked fine before. Plus- it was acting very similar to the problems reported on this forum.

What a relief.
Good to hear that, jdot! Check the float voltage on that Tender, BTW. Should be very close to 14V.

I note that the OEM battery only offers 10 AH in spite of the numbering. Going any bigger seems pointless to me, it just adds weight and expense. The self-discharge rate is so much lower and the cranking current is so much higher on Li-Po batteries that more storage capacity is not needed. That is, unless you are running some really hefty outboard electronics, Dakar style...:cool:

Here's the battery I put in our 660 Yamathumper...sat without a Tender for 6 months, fired right up.


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Well documented on the lithium battery thread on AdvRider.

Motorcycle Batteries .. AGM, GEL, Wet, Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) | Adventure Rider

Lithium advertised AH labels are made-up.

The Antigravity I purchased was made specifically for Ducati use.

_cy_'s comment on this battery choice: " Antigravity 16 cell (10AH) is one hoss of a LiFePO4 battery and will serve you well. " (Note the true AH number.)

"Ducati specific?" You must be kidding, it's just a battery. I've been using Shorais for 4+ years, with not one failure or "out of juice" incident. I've run them on six different bikes plus a smaller Ballistic 4-cell on our 1956 Velocette, to fit it in a dummy case. But I don't run any heated gear other than an old Widder vest, no GPS or similar wired to the bike, and I have no need to use my bike as a power or light source while camping.

Link: Antigravity Batteries the lightest most powerful and compact Lithium Motorcycle and Powersports Batteries

This is Antigravity Hi-Power version of YT12-BS Case format. This battery has 16-Cell with 480 Cranking Amps. It is a direct replacement for most all Ducati motorcycles as well as many others. It offers TWICE the cranking power over the lead/acid version of the battery while being about 5 pound lighter! Great for those seeking extra power and capacity over our standard 12-Cell version.
Third time for flashing dash and electronics meltdown

So my 2013 Hyper has had the electronic melt down for a third time. Same issue, flashing dash, then fan running, gets me home in limp mode then will not start or do anything.
Both previous times it was new dash, ecu, black box and they should have changed the coils. Both times it was under full warranty. Now it is six months out of warranty and been at the dealer three weeks whilst Ducati decides if they will repair it.
Just though I would share and see if others have had any experience of getting Ducati to repair a fault outside warranty.
Wish me luck!
Just though I would share and see if others have had any experience of getting Ducati to repair a fault outside warranty.
Wish me luck!

i wish you luck, this is really annoying

fortunatly i did not have your problem, but had yellow ABS light end of last season, ABS not working any more.
Diagnostic program could not connect to ABS pump/controller, so suspicion was that it's failed.
Out of warranty for some 5 months, additional missing yearly service in 2014 :mad: ( i bought it used in december 2014 - seller did not do the service and i also not in december).
my dealer asked Ducati for warranty/goodwill - this decision lasted about 7 weeks:p, then garage ordered ABS pump (€ 1700 in retail :mad:) and installed it 1 week before christmas.
unfortunatly same problem - ABS light still on, diagnose not able to connect to ABS controller. they looked and looked and could not find the fault.
so they asked Ducati for an additional full cable harness for goodwill.
After installation of the cable harness (2 full days for the mechanics) problem was solved.
I only had to pay 1/2 hour work, even garage worked minimum 3 days or even longer.
So, beside the problem, i am very satisfied with my dealer with handling and solving this error.
I think, if your dealer speaks up for you, you have a good chance to get it covered by Ducati.

PS: the master of the garage told me, that only the coil from frontcylinder destroys ECU and Dashboard, exactly your problem.
so, at service, i bougth a frontcoil and let it install, even the number is exactly the one from the stock one.
so, either they or vendor of coil changed the coil without changing it outside/design and the number, or nothing is changed with the coil. Nobody knows except Ducati, and they don't tell it.
strange is also, that the 2 coils are completly identical, but as of the master, only the one from frontcylinder fails.
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PS: the master of the garage told me, that only the coil from frontcylinder destroys ECU and Dashboard, exactly your problem.
so, at service, i bougth a frontcoil and let it install, even the number is exactly the one from the stock one.
so, either they or vendor of coil changed the coil without changing it outside/design and the number, or nothing is changed with the coil. Nobody knows except Ducati, and they don't tell it.
strange is also, that the 2 coils are completly identical, but as of the master, only the one from frontcylinder fails.

Perhaps the reason is that the front coil is exposed to road debris and wheel splash? It's very hard to believe that it was changed without some corresponding change to the part number.
So my 2013 Hyper has had the electronic melt down for a third time. Same issue, flashing dash, then fan running, gets me home in limp mode then will not start or do anything.
Both previous times it was new dash, ecu, black box and they should have changed the coils. Both times it was under full warranty. Now it is six months out of warranty and been at the dealer three weeks whilst Ducati decides if they will repair it.
Just though I would share and see if others have had any experience of getting Ducati to repair a fault outside warranty.
Wish me luck!
Friend of mine bought a used out of warranty 2013 and this happened within a month, it was repaired for free.

On the one hand this is good - and I hope it works for you - on the other hand, it seems there's a problem that ducati isn't acknowledging. This puts owners through the wringer and really doesn't do them any publicity favors.

I repeat the same mantra: This is not how a purported luxury brand should be treating its customers. In a world where engineering and manufacturing is almost all universally good, the only real world distinction of luxury from non luxury is service.
OH GOD. MINES NOW GONE AND DONE IT!!! <1000 miles before my 18K DESMO service too!!!!

Pulled out of work last night, christmas tree dash, fans on. Switched her off hoping to limp home, but the starter button is absolutely dead. Tried to bump start, nothing. So I'm guessing the front coil has gone.

Do we have any idea of how we can tell in these instances of the CPU/Dash are fried as a result? I mean the dash seems fine, I get a very occasional really fast/intermittent blinking of the CEL, but that's it. Can't replicate it.

Dealer is gonna come pick it up Wednesday, and he says that Ducati are sometimes lenient in covering the costs, even though my warranty has expired. I'm happy to write a very long and appealing email to anyone if it may help my case at all, else I'm expecting a £2,500+ bill, which is really gonna set my plans back on moving to Australia next year (gutted).

So I've got a couple of questions for you guys that have been through this, if you would be so kind:

1. Do you have any tips on keeping cost down? I'd be happy to replace all parts myself if need be, but I guess not ideal.

2. Do you think contacting Ducati directly is worthwhile?

3. I have a good few mods on the bike - R&G heated grips and crash bungs everywhere, kuksuls lights, Akra slip on, integrated tail light, aftermarket handguards and flashers.. I could put it all back to standard. It would be a **** load of work and stress, but do you think it's worth reverting them, even though warranty is out?

Really appreciate any help on this guys. This has absolutely stuck the proverbial spanner in my works...

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