Just though I would share and see if others have had any experience of getting Ducati to repair a fault outside warranty.
Wish me luck!
i wish you luck, this is really annoying
fortunatly i did not have your problem, but had yellow ABS light end of last season, ABS not working any more.
Diagnostic program could not connect to ABS pump/controller, so suspicion was that it's failed.
Out of warranty for some 5 months, additional missing yearly service in 2014

( i bought it used in december 2014 - seller did not do the service and i also not in december).
my dealer asked Ducati for warranty/goodwill - this decision lasted about 7 weeks

, then garage ordered ABS pump (€ 1700 in retail

) and installed it 1 week before christmas.
unfortunatly same problem - ABS light still on, diagnose not able to connect to ABS controller. they looked and looked and could not find the fault.
so they asked Ducati for an additional full cable harness for goodwill.
After installation of the cable harness (2 full days for the mechanics) problem was solved.
I only had to pay 1/2 hour work, even garage worked minimum 3 days or even longer.
So, beside the problem, i am very satisfied with my dealer with handling and solving this error.
I think, if your dealer speaks up for you, you have a good chance to get it covered by Ducati.
PS: the master of the garage told me, that only the coil from frontcylinder destroys ECU and Dashboard, exactly your problem.
so, at service, i bougth a frontcoil and let it install, even the number is exactly the one from the stock one.
so, either they or vendor of coil changed the coil without changing it outside/design and the number, or nothing is changed with the coil. Nobody knows except Ducati, and they don't tell it.
strange is also, that the 2 coils are completly identical, but as of the master, only the one from frontcylinder fails.